AWS Training

Both Online and Offline

100% Guarantee in placement

Course Details

Course Features

Instructor led Sessions
The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility, monitoring, and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.
Real-life Case Studies
Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.
Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.
Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.
Instructor led Sessions
With no limits to learning and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.

AWS Training

Oranium Tech introducing some amazing content on AWS. Become an expert AWS developer by joining the AWS Course in Chennai under the guidance of trainers with years of professional and practical experience. The instructors at Oranium Tech will train you to deploy AWS components like storage systems, data management, and security services. With the training rendered here, you will acquire the necessary professional and technical skill sets to be a successful AWS cloud specialist. You will be exposed to live projects and integral course materials. In addition, you will gain practical training on using AWS lambda, the main computing service of AWS. After the course completion, with the aid of our expert trainers, you will have the AWS software in the “palm of your hands”

Course Syllabus

  • By being an AWS Certified Solution Architect – Associate, should be able to evaluate the requirements of the organization or the businesses and make architectural recommendations for implementation and deployment of the application on AWS. While completing this course, the participants should be able to demonstrate these skills:
  •  Launch different servers like Linux, Windows, Mac and Manage
  •  Storages for Servers and Backups
  •  Design the overall networking environment for servers
  •  Scaling Servers based on needs using Auto Scaling
  •  Deploy, Manage and Scale applications using container orchestration service
  •  Distributing traffic using Load Balancers
  •  Monitor Server Resources and Account activities
  •  Setup Database Engines and Secure Servers and Services
  •  Storing files securely using Object Storage method and Share
  •  Storage Disks among Servers via Network
  •  Data Migrations and Data Transfer
  •  Understand different encryption methods and Application level integration services
  •  Speed up hosted websites using Content Delivery Network

• Introduction to Cloud Computing
• Cloud Environment Architecture
• Cloud Computing Models
• Introduction to Amazon Web Services
• AWS Global Infrastructure

Launching our first EC2 instance
• EC2 instance types & Pricing Models
• Creating AMI and Image Templates
• Understanding Security Groups – a Server side Firewall

Introduction to Network Switches & Virtual Private Cloud
• VPC & Subnets
• Private and Public Subnets
• Internet Gateways, VPC Peering & NAT Gateways
• VPN Setup
• IP Addressing in AWS

• Introduction to Block & Object storage mechanism
• Introduction to Elastic Block Store – EBS
• EBS Snapshots
• EBS Volume Types
• Instance Store Volumes
• Introduction to Simple Storage Service (S3)
• Features of S3
• Storage Types
• Static Website Hosting
• Versioning
• Life Cycle Policy
• Cross Region Replication
• Encryption
• Basics of Athena
• Introduction to EFS
• Connect a drive via network
• Share the drive among multiple servers

• Understanding High Availability Configuration
• ELB Configuration with Classic and Application Load Balancers
• Auto Scaling

• Understanding the IAM Policies
• IAM User, IAM Policy and IAM Role

• Introduction to Relational Databases
• Creating our first database structure in MySQL
• Getting started with DynamoDB
• Know about ElastiCache, Redshift

• Amazon SQS
• Amazon SNS
• Amazon SES
• Kinesis Overview

• Introduction to DNS
• Understanding DNS Records
• Introduction to Route53
• Register a Domain using Route 53
• Manage DNS Hosts

• Introduction to CloudFront
• CloudFront with S3
• CloudFront Advanced Concepts

• Getting Started with Containerization
• ECS Services and Tasks
• Load Balancing in ECS
• ECS Scaling

• AWS Snowball
• Storage Gateways
• Hands on API Gateways

• Serverless Introduction
• Lambda
• Setting up Server Auto Start with a Lambda Function
• Elastic Beanstalk
• Host a Sample PHP website using Elastic Beanstalk

• Getting Started with AWS CLI
• AWS CLI setup on EC2 instances
• Connect EC2 instance with other AWS services like S3 or SNS or SES

• AWS Security
• KMS Overview
• SSM Parameter Store
• CouldHSM

• Database Migration Services
• DataSync Overview
• AWS Backups

• Understanding CloudWatch
• Setup Alarms for Matrix changes
• Auditing AWS environment with CloudTrail
• Schedule Event Rules using Target based services

• AWS Key Management Service
• Systems Manager Parameter Store

• Database Migration Services
• DataSync Overview
• AWS Backups

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