Advanced Excel

Both Online and Offline

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Course Details

Course Features

Instructor led Sessions
The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility, monitoring, and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.
Real-life Case Studies
Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.
Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.
Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.
Instructor led Sessions
With no limits to learning and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.

Advanced Excel Training

Oranium Tech introducing some amazing content on Advanced Excel. This Advanced Microsoft Excel Course Syllabus is designed by Industry Experts. Our Advanced Excel Course Syllabus covers in-depth knowledge of pivot tables, audit and analyze worksheet data, VBA Macro, utilize data tools, collaborate with others, and create and manage macros with live Projects. This advanced Excel course syllabus is designed for the intermediate Excel user who desires to learn more advanced skills. Learn the most advanced formulas, functions, charts and types of financial analysis to be an Excel power user.

Course Syllabus

• An overview of the screen, navigation and basic spreadsheet concepts
• Various selection techniques
• Shortcut Keys

• Customizing the Ribbon
• Using and Customizing AutoCorrect
• Changing Excel’s Default Options

• Using Functions – Sum, Average, Max,Min, Count, Counta
• Absolute, Mixed and Relative Referencing
• Formatting and Proofing
• Currency Format
• Format Painter
• Formatting Dates
• Custom and Special Formats
• Formatting Cells with Number formats, Font formats, Alignment, Borders, etc
• Basic conditional formatting

• SumIf, SumIfs CountIf, CountIfs AverageIf, AverageIfs, Nested IF, IFERROR Statement, AND, OR, NOT

• File Level Protection
• Workbook, Worksheet Protection

• Upper, Lower, Proper
• Left, Mid, Right
• Trim, Len, Exact
• Concatenate
• Find, Substitute

• Today, Now
• Day, Month, Year
• Date, Date if, DateAdd
• EOMonth, Weekday

• Paste Formulas, Paste Formats
• Paste Validations
• Transpose Tables

• New Charts – Tree map & Waterfall
• Sunburst, Box and whisker Charts
• Combo Charts – Secondary Axis
• Adding Slicers Tool in Pivot & Tables
• Using Power Map and Power View
• Forecast Sheet
• Sparklines -Line, Column & Win/ Loss
• Using 3-D Map
• New Controls in Pivot Table – Field, Items and Sets
• Various Time Lines in Pivot Table
• Auto complete a data range and list
• Quick Analysis Tool

• Filtering on Text, Numbers & Colors
• Sorting Options
• Advanced Filters on 15-20 different criteria(s)

• Setting Up Print Area
• Customizing Headers & Footers
• Designing the structure of a template
• Print Titles –Repeat Rows / Columns

• Goal Seek
• Scenario Analysis
• Data Tables (PMT Function)
• Solver Tool

• If Function
• How to Fix Errors – if error
• Nested If
• Complex if and or functions

• Number, Date & Time Validation
• Text and List Validation
• Custom validations based on formula for a cell
• Dynamic Dropdown List Creation using Data Validation – Dependency List

• Vlookup / HLookup
• Index and Match
• Creating Smooth User Interface Using Lookup
• Nested VLookup
• Reverse Lookup using Choose Function
• Worksheet linking using Indirect
• Vlookup with Helper Column

• Creating Simple Pivot Tables
• Basic and Advanced Value Field Setting
• Classic Pivot table
• Choosing Field
• Filtering PivotTables
• Modifying PivotTable Data
• Grouping based on numbers and Dates
• Calculated Field & Calculated Items
• Arrays Functions
• What are the Array Formulas, Use of the Array Formulas?
• Basic Examples of Arrays (Using ctrl+shift+enter).
• Array with if, len and mid functions formulas.
• Array with Lookup functions.
• Advanced Use of formulas with Array.

• Various Charts i.e. Bar Charts / Pie Charts / Line Charts
• Using SLICERS, Filter data with Slicers
• Manage Primary and Secondary Axis

• Planning a Dashboard
• Adding Tables and Charts to Dashboard
• Adding Dynamic Contents to Dashboard

• What Is VBA?
• What Can You Do with VBA?
• Recording a Macro
• Procedure and functions in VBA

• What is Variables?
• Using Non-Declared Variables
• Variable Data Types
• Using Const variables

• Customizing Msgboxes and Inputbox
• Reading Cell Values into Messages
• Various Button Groups in VBA

• Simple If Statements
• The Elseif Statements
• Defining select case statements

• Introduction to Loops and its Types
• The Basic Do and For Loop
• Exiting from a Loop
• Advanced Loop Examples

• Using Outlook Namespace
• Send automated mail
• Outlook Configurations, MAPI
• Worksheet / Workbook Operations
• Merge Worksheets using Macro
• Merge multiple excel files into one sheet
• Split worksheets using VBA filters
• Worksheet copiers

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