Mean Stack Training

Both Online and Offline

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Course Details

Course Features

Instructor led Sessions
The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility, monitoring, and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.
Real-life Case Studies
Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.
Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.
Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.
Instructor led Sessions
With no limits to learning and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.

Mean Stack Training

Oranium Tech introducing some amazing content on Mean Stack. Would you like to discover much about the MEAN stack? Here we go, Oranium Tech offers Best MEAN Stack Training in Chennai. This training will show you how to create a full-stack web application, and it allows you to use Javascript to build an entire web application. As a result, we’ll use hands-on, real-world exercises to assist you in incorporating solid development techniques into your workflow. The course begins by establishing the foundation in the Node.js platform and leveraging its power before moving to single-page front-end web development with AngularJS. Then, using AngularJS and the Express web application framework built on Node.js, we’ll interact with web services. Finally, the course concludes with a look at the NoSQL database MongoDB.

Course Syllabus

  •  Getting started with Node.js
  •  Node Package Manager
  •  Modules
  •  Asynchronous Programming
  •  Callbacks
  •  Events and Event Loop
  •  Streams and Buffers
  • Connecting Node.js to Database
  •  Web Sockets
  •  Angular Architecture
  •  Dynamic Binding
  •  Modules, Controllers, and Scope
  •  Views 
  • Custom Directives
  •  Event Directives
  •  Expressions
  •  Built-in and Custom Filters
  •  Understanding the Digest Loop
  •  Form Validations
  •  AngularJS Service Types
  •  Factories
  •  Creating Custom Services
  •  Routing, Redirects, and Promises
  •  MVC Pattern
  •  Introduction to Express
  •  Routing
  •  HTTP Interaction
  •  Handling Form Data
  •  Handling Query Parameters
  •  Cookies and Sessions
  •  User Authentication
  • Error Handling
  •  Creating and Consuming RESTful Services
  •  Using Templates
  •  Concepts
  •  Scaling
  •  SQL and Complex Transactions
  •  Documents Overview
  •  Installing MongoDB (windows)
  •  Installing MongoDB (Linux)
  •  JSON
  •  Dynamic Schema
     Cursors Introduction
  •  Query Language: Basic Concepts
  •  Query Language: Projection
  •  Query Language: Advantages of a Dynamic Schema
  •  Shell: Queries
  •  Sorting
  •  Query Language: Cursors
  •  User Authentication
  •  Error Handling
  •  Dynamic Schema
  •  Cursors Introduction
  •  Query Language: Basic Concepts and Projection
  •  Query Language: Advantages of a Dynamic Schema
  •  Shell: Queries
  •  Sort
  •  Query Language: Cursors
  •  User Authentication
  •  Error Handle

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