Struts Training

Both Online and Offline

100% Guarantee in placement

Course Details

Course Features

Instructor led Sessions
The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility, monitoring, and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.
Real-life Case Studies
Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.
Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.
Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.
Instructor led Sessions
With no limits to learning and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.

Struts Training

Oranium Tech introducing some amazing content on Struts. Looking for a professional platform to learn the Struts Course in Chennai? Join Oranium Tech! Struts Training in Chennai at Oranium Tech delivers the students with a comprehensive learning experience of the Struts Framework, Architecture, and its Lifecycle in real-time practices under the mentorship of Expert Professionals. By the end of the Struts training program at Oranium Tech, you will become well-versed with its Environment, Setup,Configurations, Database Actions, Interceptors, Types Conversion, Tags, Themes, Templates, Exceptional Handling, and Validations.

Course Syllabus

• Enterprise
• Enterprise Application
• System logical layers
• Presentation layer
• Business processing layer
• Data Storage and access layer
• System Architecture
• 1-tier Architecture
• 2-tier Architecture
• n-tier Architecture
• Types of enterprise applications
• Web Applications
• Distribute Applications
• WebApplication Models
• Model1-Architecture
• Model2-Architecture
• MVC Architecture& its Rules & Regulations
• FrameWork
• Web Framework
• Application Framework
• Struts Framework History

• View
• ActionServlet
• RequestProcessor
• FormBean(ActionForm)
• Action class
• web.xml
• Struts Configuration File

• Html Tag library
• Bean Tag library
• Logic Tag library
• Nested Tag library
• Tiles Tag library

• Client Side Validations
• Programmatic Approach
• Declarative Approach (Validator Framework)
• Server Side Validations
• Programmatic Approach
• Declarative Approach (Validator Framework)

• I18N at Core level
• NumberFormat
• DateFormat
• ResourceBundle
• I18N at Weblevel(Server & Jsp)
• JSTL format tags
• I18N in Struts

• Programmatic Approach
• Declarative Approach
• Custom Exceptions in Struts
• Customization on ExceptionHandler

• IncludeAction
• ForwardAction
• LocaleAction
• DispatchAction
• LookupDispatchAction
• MappingDispatchAction
• EventDispatchAction
• SwitchAction

• Diff b/w Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x
• Struts 2.x Flow of Execution
• Struts 2.X Elements
• Steps to design Struts Appl. In 2.x version
• Struts 2.x Tag library
• Struts 2.x Application with Annotation
• Struts 2.x Validations

• Servers: Tomcat & Weblogic
• IDE’s: MyEclipse, NetBeans

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