SMO Training

Both Online and Offline

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Course Details

Course Features

Instructor led Sessions
The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility, monitoring, and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.
Real-life Case Studies
Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.
Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.
Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.
Instructor led Sessions
With no limits to learning and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.

SMO Training

Oranium Tech introducing some amazing content on SMO. Social media optimization (SMO) is the use of social media networks to manage and grow an organization’s message and online presence. As a digital marketing strategy, social media optimization can be used to increase awareness of new products and services, connect with customers, and mitigate potential damaging news.

Course Syllabus

• Introduction to SMO
• Brief history of SMO
• What is SMO?
• Why is SMO important?
• What benefits does SMO have?
• What is SMO Generally do?
• Why to choose SMO?
• Software architecture of SMO
• Advantages of SMO
• SMO features SMO market
• Comparing SMO with other Technology
• Terms and acronyms

• What are the search engines?
• How search engines work
• Major functions of a search engine
• What are keywords?
• Different types of keywords

• What is social media?
• Understanding the existing Social Media paradigms & psychology
• How social media marketing is different than others
• Forms of Internet marketing
• Extended with Example
• Useful of Internet Marketing
• Extended with Example

• Understanding Facebook marketing
• Creating Facebook page
• Uploading Contacts for invitation
• Exercise on fan page wall posting
• Increasing fans on fan page
• How to do marketing on fan page(with example)
• For engagement
• Important Apps to do fan page marketing
• Facebook advertising
• Best practices for facebook advertising
• Understanding facebook best practices
• Understanding edgerank & art of engagement

• Understanding Video-campaign
• Creating First Video Marketing
• Expanded – In detail with Example
• Importance of Video Marketing
• Benefits of Video Marketing
• Uploading videos on video marketing website
• Using youtube for business
• Developing youtube video Marketing Strategies
• Bringing visitors from youtube video to your website
• Creating video Adgroups
• Targeting options

• Understanding Mobile Devices
• Mobile Marketing & Social Media
• Mobile Marketing Measurement & Analytics
• Fundamental of Mobile Marketing
• Key Industry Terminilogy
• Creating Mobilewebsite through WordPress
• Using tool to create Mobile Website
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Using tool to create Mobile App
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Advertising on mobile(App & Web)
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Targeting Ads on App
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• targeting Ads via Location
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Targeting Ads Via SeachEngine
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Content Marketing on Mobile
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Mobile st Mobile strategy-segmentations option targeting and differentiation
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Mobile Marketing Mix
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• SMS Marketing
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Creating Mobile Application
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Uploading Mobile App in Android and iOS
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Testing of Function
• Extended-in-detail with Example

• Introduction to Google Analytics
• How Google Analytics works
• Understanding Google Analytics Account Structure
• Understanding Google Analytics Insight
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Understanding cookie Tracking
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Types of cookie tracking used by Google Analytics
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Starting with Google Analytics
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• How to set up analytics acoount
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• How to add analytics code in website
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Understanding Goals and conversion
• How to set up goal
• Understanding different types of Goals
• Creating first display campaign
• Understanding bounce & bounce rate
• Difference between exit rate & bounce rate
• How to reduce bounce rate
• How to set funnels in goals
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Importance of funnels
• How to integrate adwords & analytics account
• Benefits of integrating adwords & analytics
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Measuring performance of marketing campaigns Via Google Analytics
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• What is link tagging
• How to set up link tagging
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Understanding Filters and Segments
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• How to fill Filters & Segments
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• How to view customized reports
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Monitoring Traffic Sources
• Extended-in-detail with Example
• Monitoring Traffic Behaviour
• Extended-in-detail with Example

• What is Online Advertising
• Types of Online Advertising
• Display Advertising
• Banner ads
• Rich media ads
• Pop ups & Pop under ads
• Contextual Advertising
• In text ads
• In Image ads
• In video ads
• In page ads
• What are payment module
• Companies that provide online advertising solution
• Tracking & Measuring ROI of online adv.

• What is Email Marketing?
• How Email works?
• Challenges faced in sending buld messages
• How to overcome these challenges
• Types of Email Marketing- Opt-in & bulk emailing
• What is Opt-in Email Marketing?
• Setting up Email Marketing account
• Best platform to do Opt-in Email Marketing
• Setting up lists & web form
• Creating a broadcast Email
• What are auto responder?
• How to do bulk Emailing?
• Best practices to send bulk Email
• Trick to land in inbox instead of spam folder
• Top Email Marketing Software’s & a glimpse of how to use them
• Improving ROI using A/B Testing
• Extended-in-detail with Example

• What is Ecommerce ?
• Top Ecommerce website around the world & it’s scenario in India
• Difference between Ecommerce Software & Shopping cart Software
• Payment Gatewy, Merchant accounts & Logistics for physical goods
• Integrating Woocommerce & setting up an Ecommerce store on WordPress
• Affiliate Marketing by promoting products which look like an Ecommerce Store
• Case Study on Ecommerce website
• How to do Google products listing Ads(PLA) for Ecommerce Website
• How to do SEO for an Ecommerce Website
• Quttera
• Webroot
• Sucuri
• Immuni WebScan
• VirusTotal
• McAfee Check Single URL
• Trend Micro Site Safety
• Google Search Console
• Norton Safe Web
• Open Graph Debugger

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