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Course Details

Course Features

Instructor led Sessions
The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility, monitoring, and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.
Real-life Case Studies
Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.
Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.
Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.
Instructor led Sessions
With no limits to learning and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course. Training

Oranium Tech introducing some amazing content on ASP.Net. All .NET Beginner(s)/Professionals (s) who are keen to develop modern, lightweight, and cloud-based web applications should go for this course. ASP.NET Web form and ASP.NET MVC are available because of their age are considered to be very mature for web application development, it is because of the popularity of ASP.NET Core Framework and many exclusive features of ASP.NET Core that today it is dominating over Web Forms and MVC are first choice for large sized enterprise web application development.

Course Syllabus

  •  Understanding role of Web Server and Web Browser.
  •  Brief about HTTP Protocol.
  •  HTTP Request structure.
  •  Form Tag and comparison between Get and Post methods.
  •  HTTP Response Structure
  •  Understanding HTML Form Tag and elements within it.
  •  Javascript using Sample Programs
  •  ASP.NET Introduction
  • Dynamically intializing Controls
  •  IsPostBack property of Page class
  •  ListControls
  •  Comparison between HtmlControls and WebControls
  •  Control Properties and Methods
  •  FileUpload Control
  •  What is AppDomain?
  •  Life Cycle of ASP.NET Page
  •  How Control Manages its State
  •  What is EnableViewState
  •  How Control raises events
  •  Event handling in Web Forms
  •  Writing Custom Classes in WebApplication
  •  Work with CSS
  •  Use Themes to Customize a Site
  •  Name Skins within a Theme
  •  Do server-side Styles using Themes
  •  Add contents of a Theme and Skin
  •  Apply themes and Profiles
  •  Redirecting Options
  •  Response.Redirect
  •  Server.Transfer
  •  Cross Page Postback
  •  Determine how the pages were invoked
  •  Passing values between pages
  •  Introduction to MasterPage
  •  ContentPlaceHolder and Content tags
  •  Accessing controls of MasterPage in ContentPage
  •  URL’s in MasterPages
  •  UniqueID and ClientID
  • Overview of User Controls
  •  Creating a User Control
  •  Adding Properties to User Control
  •  Adding Events to User Control
  •  Using User Control in Web Form
  •  Rendering Clients Scripts Using Page.ClientScript methods
  •  Base Validator
  •  Required Field Validator
  •  Compare Validator
  •  Range Validator
  •  Regular Expression Validator
  •  Custom Validator
  •  Causes Validation Property
  •  Grouping – Validation Group Property
  •  Page.Validators and Page.IsValid
  •  Static Members
  •  View State
  •  Hidden Field in Form
  •  Query String
  •  HttpContext
  •  Cookies-HttpCookie
  •  Sessions-HttpSessionState
  •  Application-HttpApplicationState
  •  Summary of All Features
  •  Introduction to Configuration files
  •  Page setting in web. config
  •  Custom Errors
  •  URL Re-Writing
  •  Tracing
  •  Using ConfigSource Attribute
  •  Using Location Section
  •  HttpApplication class-Global.asax
  •  What is Authentication and Authorization
  •  Types of Authentication
  •  Forms Authentication
  •  Role-based Authentication
  •  Windows and Basic Authentication
  •  What is ASP.NET Impersonation
  •  Using the location section on the web. config
  •  ASP.NET Providers Introduction
  •  Membership Providers
  •  Role Providers
  •  Writing Custom Providers
  •  Profile Providers
  •  Web Parts Personalization Providers
  •  Databinding traditional way
  •  SqlDataSource
  •  GridView
  •  DetailsView
  •  FormView
  •  DataList
  •  Repeater
  •  ListView
  •  DataPager
  •  Why Caching
  •  Types of Caching
    i.Output Caching
    ii. Fragment Caching
    iii. Substitution Caching
    iv. Data Caching
  •  SQL Cache Invalidation
  • Definitions
  • Creating resource files for different cultures
  • Designing the webform & linking controls to keys in resource files
  • Alternatives to initialize the culture settings of the page.
  •  What is AJAX
  •  What is AJAX.NET
  •  Script Manager
  •  Update Panel
  •  Update Progress
  •  Timer
  •  AJAX Control Toolkit
  •  What is Routing?
  •  Mapping Route to Physical file
  •  Reading Route Parameters
  •  Route Expression
  •  Generate URL using Markup
  •  Introduction to ASP.NET Web Application
  •  Advantages of IIS Applications
  •  Creating web applications in IIS
  •  Converting File System application to IIS Application
  •  Using Virtual Directory
  •  Publishing ASP.NET Website
  •  Culture-specific formatting

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