Full Stack Training

Both Online and Offline

100% Guarantee in placement

Course Details

Course Features

Instructor led Sessions
The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility, monitoring, and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.
Real-life Case Studies
Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.
Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.
Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.
Instructor led Sessions
With no limits to learning and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.

Full Stack Training

Oranium Tech introducing some amazing content on Full Stack Developer. Join Oranium Tech for Full Stack Developer Course in Chennai to learn how to build dynamic and responsive web applications using both backend and frontend technologies. The course curriculum begins with the fundamentals of web development, covers the basics of JavaScript and jQuery, and shows you how to make custom user interfaces with Angular or React. Our expert mentors will guide you in creating scalable backend applications with Express and Node.js. You will learn the most in-demand skills from instructors who are committed to your success when you participate in this course. Learn to manage data using MongoDB with hands-on practical Full Stack Developer Training in Chennai.

Course Syllabus

• Building Strong expertise to develop front end application using HTML5
• Implement MVC and responsive design to scale well across PC, tablet and Mobile Phone

This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to developing HTML5 based single page application for browsers. This course builds strong foundation on HTML5 which will help developer to use HTML5 concepts for building responsive web application.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructor lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• Introduction HTML
• HTML Basics
• HTML Elements
• HTML5 Semantic
• HTML Attributes
• HTML Headings
• HTML Paragraph
• HTML Styles
• HTML Formatting
• HTML Quotations
• HTML Computer Code
• HTML Comments & Colours
• HTML CSS, Links and Images
• HTML Lists
• HTML Blocks
• HTML Classes
• HTML Layout
• HTML Responsive
• HTML iframes
• HTML JavaScript
• HTML Head
• HTML Entities and URI Code
• HTML Symbols and XHTML
• HTML Charset and Forms

• Building Strong expertise to develop front end application using CSS3
• Implement MVC and responsive design to scale well across PC, tablet and Mobile Phone

This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to developing CSS3 based web application. This course builds strong foundation on CS33 which will help developer to use CSS3 concepts for building responsive web application.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructor lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• Introduction CSS3
• CSS3 Syntax
• CSS3 How To
• CSS3 Colours
• CSS3 Backgrounds
• CSS3 Boarders
• CSS Padding
• CSS Height/Width
• CSS3 Gradients
• CSS3 Shadows
• CSS3 Text
• CSS3 Fonts
• CSS3 2D Transforms
• CSS3 3D Transforms
• CSS Links
• CSS Lists
• CSS Tables
• CSS Box Model
• CSS Outline
• CSS Display
• CSS Max-width
• CSS Position
• CSS Float
• CSS Inline-block
• CSS Align
• CSS Combinators
• CSS Pseudo-class
• CSS Pseudo-element
• CSS Navigation Bar
• CSS Dropdowns
• CSS Tooltips
• CSS3 Images
• CSS Attr Selectors
• CSS Forms
• CSS Counters
• CSS3 Animations
• CSS3 Buttons
• CSS3 Pagination
• CSS3 Multiple Columns
• CSS3 User Interface
• CSS3 Box Sizing
• CSS3 Filters
• CSS3 Media Queries
• CSS3 Responsive

• To become proficient in Bootstrap concepts
• To develop a web pages based on Bootstrap

This course is targeted for fresh engineers or professional who want to build competency in the Bootstrap Based web development.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructor lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• Introduction to Bootstrap
• Bootstrap Basics
• Bootstrap Grids
• Bootstrap Themes
• Bootstrap CSS
• Bootstrap JS

• Building Strong expertise to develop front end application using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript along with jQuery and AngularJS framework
• Implement MVC and responsive design to scale well across PC, tablet and Mobile Phone

This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to develop JavaScript based web application. This course builds strong foundation of JavaScript which will help developer to apply JavaScript concepts for responsive web frontend and backend development.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructor lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• Introduction to JavaScript
• Java Script Language Basics
• JavaScript Objects
• JavaScript Scope
• JavaScript Events
• JavaScript Strings
• JavaScript Numbers
• JavaScript Math
• JavaScript Arrays
• JavaScript Boolean
• JavaScript Comparisons
• JavaScript Conditions
• JavaScript Switch
• JavaScript Loops
• JavaScript Type Conversion
• JavaScript RegExp
• JavaScript Errors
• JavaScript Debugging
• JavaScript Hoisting
• JavaScript Strict Mode
• JavaScript Functions
• JavaScript Objects
• JavaScript Forms
• JavaScript HTML DOM
• JavaScript BOM

• Building Strong expertise to develop front end application using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript along
with jQuery and AngularJS framework
• Implement MVC and responsive design to scale well across PC, tablet and Mobile Phone

This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to develop jQuery Mobile based responsive web application. It builds strong foundation of jQuery which will help developer to apply concepts for responsive web frontend development.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructor lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• Introduction to jQuery
• jQuery Syntax
• jQuery Selectors
• jQuery Events
• jQuery Effects
• jQuery HTML
• jQuery Traversing
• jQuery AJAX & Misc

• Building Strong expertise to develop front end application using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript along with jQuery and AngularJS framework
• Implement MVC and responsive design to scale well across PC, tablet and Mobile Phone

This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to develop jQuery Mobile based responsive web application. This course builds strong foundation of jQuery which will help developer to apply concepts for responsive web frontend development.

• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructor lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• Introduction to jQuery Mobile
• jQuery Mobile Pages
• jQuery Mobile Transitions
• jQuery Mobile Buttons
• jQuery Mobile Icons
• jQuery Mobile Popups
• jQuery Mobile Toolbars
• jQuery Mobile Navbars
• jQuery Mobile Panels
• jQuery Mobile Collapsibles
• jQuery Mobile Tables
• jQuery Mobile Grids
• jQuery Mobile Lists
• jQuery Mobile Forms
• jQuery Mobile Themes
• jQuery Mobile Events

• To become proficient in OOPS, Design Patterns and Data Modelling concepts
• At the end of the course candidates will learn the concepts and their practical applications

This course is targeted for fresh engineers or professional who want to build competency in the Object Oriented Programming. We focus on understanding OOPs concepts and its applications.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructor lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• OOPs
• Design Patterns
• Object Oriented Design

• Building strong expertise in Document Oriented Non-Relational Database Management System
• Implement frontend and backend scenarios to read, write and update data stored in MongoDB

This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to implement frontend and backend scenarios to read, write and update data using MongoDB. This course builds strong foundation for web application
development based on client-server architecture.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructor lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• Introduction to MongoDB
• MongoDB Environment
• MongoDB Create Database
• MongoDB Drop Database
• MongoDB Create Collection
• MongoDB Drop Collection
• MongoDB Read Operations
• MongoDB Write Operations
• MongoDB Data Modelling
• MongoDB Administration
• MongoDB Security
• MongoDB Aggregation
• MongoDB Indexes
• MongoDB Storage
• MongoDB Replication

• Building Strong expertise on Express framework to develop responsive web application
• Implement MVC and responsive design to provide unified and intuitive user experience across PC,
tablet and Mobile Phone

This course provides you strong foundation on Express framework driven by hands-on experience and exposure to develop responsive web application using MVC design pattern. During the course, you should be able to builds strong background about Express and Node.js architecture, usage of services and applying Node.js concept to develop frontend application supported by backend web servers.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructor lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• Introduction to Express Framework
• Introduction to Nodejs
• What is Nodejs
• Getting Started with Express
• Your first Express App
• Express Routing
• Implementing MVC in Express
• Middleware
• Using Template Engines
• Error Handling
• API Handling
• Debugging
• Developing Template Engines
• Using Process Managers
• Security & Deployment

• Building Strong expertise to develop front end application using Angular JS
• Implement MVC and responsive design to scale well across PC, tablet and Mobile Phone

This course provides you strong foundation on AngularJS driven by hands-on experience and exposure to develop responsive web application using MVC design pattern. During the course, you should be able to builds strong background about AngularJS architecture, usage of services and applying AngularJS concept to develop frontend application.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome Browsers
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructor lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• Introduction to AngularJS
• AngularJS Expressions
• AngularJS Modules
• AngularJS Data Binding
• AngularJS Scopes
• AngularJS Directives & Events
• AngularJS Controllers
• AngularJS Filters
• AngularJS Services
• AngularJS HTTP
• AngularJS Tables
• AngularJS Select
• Fetching Data from MySQL
• AngularJS Validation
• AngularJS API
• AngularJS Animations
• AngularJS i18n and i10n

• Building Strong expertise on Node.js core to develop web application
• Implement web application and deployment

This course provides you strong foundation on Node.js driven by hands-on experience and exposure to develop NodeJS based application and deployment. During the course you should be able to builds strong background about Node.js architecture, usage of services and applying Node.js concept to develop frontend application supported by backend web servers.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructed lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• Getting started
• Node Core
• Node Modules
• File System
• Debugger
• Automation and Deployment

• Developing single page application using Express Framework

This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to developing web application using HTTP. This course builds strong foundation of HTTP based request and response scenarios which will help developer to build efficient web applications.
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructor lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• Introduction to HTTP
• HTTP Parameters
• HTTP Messages
• HTTP Request
• HTTP Response
• HTTP Methods
• HTTP Status Code
• HTTP Header Fields
• Registration
• HTTP Authentication
• HTTP Caching
• HTTP URL Encoding
• HTTP Security

• Building strong expertise in WebSockets
• Implement frontend and backend scenarios using WebSockets

This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to use WebSockets in frontend and backend scenarios. This course builds strong foundation for web application development based on client-server
• Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system
• Firefox, Chrome
Academic level web application knowledge
Delivery method:
Instructor lead, hands-on exercises backed with assignments and mini project

• Introduction to Web sockets
• Web socket URIs
• Web socket APIs
• Opening Handshake
• Data Framing
• Sending and Receiving Data
• Closing the Connections
• Error Handling
• Web socket Security
• Deployment Considerations
• Project

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