PHP Training

Both Online and Offline

100% Guarantee in placement

Course Details

Course Features

Instructor led Sessions
The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility, monitoring, and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.
Real-life Case Studies
Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.
Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.
Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.
Instructor led Sessions
With no limits to learning and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.

PHP Training

Oranium Tech introducing some amazing content on PHP. The PHP Training in Chennai at Oranium Tech is delivered by real-time professionals with complete hands-on sessions and a realtime project. Become an expert in key concepts such as Designing websites, handling Database, Forms handling, implementing authentication, developing server-side scripts, creating Web Services, and developing professional grade interactive websites and web applications using PHP and MySQL

Course Syllabus

• Installing and Configuring MySQL
• Understanding MySQL
• Creating and Managing Database
• MySQL data types
• Creating Tables and Managing Tables
• Data Manipulation in Tables – Insert, Update, Delete
• Querying Data from Tables – Select, Joins
• Advanced Data Manipulation – Groups, Functions, Constraints, Index
• Handling Transactions in MySQL

• What is PHP
• The Power of PHP
• Learning the history of PHP
• Javascript / Jquery Vs PHP
• What is Server Side Scripting
• Client Side Scripting Vs Server Side Scripting
• Installation of XAMPP
• Importance of Apache Server
• Configuring PHP and setting up the Environment
• Working with Editors

• Coding PHP in HTML Document
• Embedding PHP Codes
• Executing PHP Embedded HTML Documents
• PHP Coding Structure
• Variables in PHP
• Data types in PHP – Number, Strings, Date, NULL
• Arrays and Variations of Arrays

• Decision Making with IF Statements
• Variations of IF Statements
• Switch Statements
• Using Operators with Decision Making Structures
• Looping Structures
• While Loops, For Loops, Foreach Loops
• Using CONTINUE and BREAK in Loops
• Managing Arrays with Control Structures

• Understanding Functions in PHP
• Using Built-in Functions – Date, String and Mathematical Functions
• Handling Return Value
• Nesting Functions

• Defining our Own Functions
• Understanding Arguments and Return Values
• Scope of Functions
• Handling Multiple return values
• Defining default Arguments

• Basics of File Handling and need to handle Files from PHP
• Creating a File using PHP
• Reading, Writing, Appending Files
• Copy and Rename Files
• Delete Files
• Working with Directories
• Parsing Directory Structures
• Uploading Files

• Understanding PHP Forms
• Validating User Inputs
• Displaying Messages for Validation Errors
• Using Functions for Validations
• Creating Custom Functions for Data Validation
• Handling Form Submissions
• Handling Exceptions

• Introduction to Database APIs
• Establishing Connection with Databases
• Retrieving data from Database
• Manipulating Retrieved Data
• Updating Records in Database using PHP
• Deleting Records in Database using PHP
• Understanding SQL Injection

• Understanding Cookies
• Purpose and use of Cookies
• Setting and Reading Cookie Values
• Resetting Cookie Values
• Understanding Sessions and importance of Sessions
• Starting a Session and Working with Session
• Understanding Session Variables
• Closing Sessions

• Email Configuration in PHP
• Need for Sending Mails from Web Applications
• Using Sendmail
• Using PHPMailer

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